uwharrie 100 awards policy
Unique awards will be presented to the top three male/females in the 50K, 100K, and 100M distances. In order to be eligible for these awards you much finish the full distance of the event that you start. 100M runners who choose to drop down to the 100K will not be eligible for top three awards and will be listed as a DNF (Did Not Finish) in the official results.
100 mile runners who complete the full 102.5 miles within 36 hours will receive a Uwharrie 100 Mile Trail Run Belt Buckle.
100 Mile Finisher Buckle
100M runners who manage to finish in under 24 hours will also receive a hand crafted SUB 24 leather belt by American Custom Leather.
Sub 24 Hour 100 Mile Belt
100K finishers will receive a Uwharrie 100K Trail Run medal. 100M runners who decide to drop down to 100K can also receive a Uwharrie 100K Trail Run medal as long as they have completed the required three laps within the established cutoff of 36 hours.